Monday, October 20, 2008

The day after the night before ..

No its nothing fancy - I just realised that I promised a brief update last night and neglected to do so, but perhaps all is well as I have extra information to provide as of today.
Firstly Babinda Boulders ... forget the romantic tourist image of the swimming hole ( you can hunt that down via the tourist page link on my September post ) ... after a decent night's rain and continuing light rain falling during the day ( Saturday night then Sunday that is ) the quiet clear water was alive and imposing.  A most pleasant place for a short walk ( about 1.2km round trip along the river ) and to take in the sounds, the green and the moist of the tropical rainforest.
Josephine Falls will await another time ... I decided to go back into Cairns and stock up on a few days' supplies and wandered the streets for a while.
Today's news ? ... the circumstance that led up to this should not be spoken of in this public place other than to say that it was an example of what appears to be not an uncommon experience of medicos trying to work with Queensland Health ... however the outcome has been a direct communication with another locum doctor to arrange an extension of two days cover to a three day break (Thurs, Fri, Sat).   With this, two opportunities have presented themselves ... the first is the ability to work the final ten days straight through without having the Babinda DON to find someone else to cover time off later, and with three days off could arrange a trip to Cooktown where I would be able to then stay overnight.  I have access to a car, but I would dearly love the ability to be a passenger in a trip up the coast road where the recommendation is for 4WD for the river crossings ... car is okay inland but totally dependent on dry crossings for the coastal route.  I am reluctant to risk the integrity of the vehicle entrusted to me ... and it would be nice to see and not drive for a trip.
I will do a bit of "web-surfing" to find out what is available.
Catch you all again in a day or so when I have the days off planned.
ps ... to the media monitors, keep your pens and notepads handy for my experiences summary post when I leave on 5th November ... and yes I will also be providing a report to the locum agency with a "cc" to the DON here and the Medical Admin of Cairns base at the end of my time.

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