This is the blog site for my communication with interested persons whilst I travel rural Australia working.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Counting down ...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Cairns -> Cooktown and return
Friday, October 24, 2008
Its a small world
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Monday, October 20, 2008
The day after the night before ..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday's 'round trip at the half way mark
These are of the Skyrail and Barron Falls.
The streets and shops of Kuranda .. and the butterflies.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Settling into a routine ..
Each day I plan an early morning round, a mid afternoon round, see the acute care outpatients as they arrive. Nothing that has presented in the now two weeks I have been here has been not requiring medical attention. It is definitely a culture shift from city surburban general practice where much of what we do is less than inspirational (eg. certificates for yesterday's gastro/URTI/headache).
The lack of strong mobile phone signal in Babinda is of nuisance value, but I am getting to know where in town the signal is best.
I do have this weekend off (Sat, Sun) ... even though a roster was not able to be supplied in advance, the DON here has had her finger on the pulse and providing me with cover for time off as we go - works out well. Saturday is planned to take the Skyrail (just north of Cairns) up to Kuranda, spend a few hours there and then take the Kuranda train to Freshwater station and back via bus to the start-point at Skyrail. Sunday I have not planned for yet ... might check out a few places in Cairns itself, and I must go see Babinda Boulders.
I think it has rained most days since I have been here, but the last two have been a little heavier than most. One of the nurses here this morning said "I wish we had better rain" and after some discussion of what "better rain" is ... sounds like that's wet season flooding she was after. I guess that will happen in March.
Finally, a special *wave* to the media monitors.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Proof its me !
On the way back home I stopped off at the local seafood market for some fresh local-catch fish for the next three meals, some fresh banana prawns which I cooked chili style to have with some steak last night, and some barramundi fillets for today.
ps .. I am out sitting in the car sending this in, found a spot in town where the 3G net connection is reliably 4/5 bars ... its pouring rain !
Friday, October 10, 2008
Its Friday evening
Then up to a small town Mt Molloy .. and heading east again, crossed back across the range back into rainforest. Steep gradients down from the tablelands to the coast resulted in a rather slow trip behind a B-Double ( I think that's what they are called ) full of cane for processing.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The first week continues ...
Okay ... just letting you know that I am eating well, really ... that's a picture of my lunch. Food here is fresh, not a great variety, but I buy what I need every couple of days. I was told that the best food in town was either at the Thai restaurant in town (Fri-Mon), or the Bowls Club on Friday nights. I indulged and tried some of the Thai as takeaway .. the usual test of Tom Yum and Chicken green curry ... if this is the best in town then it truely is a sad state of affairs. Yes, I am spoiled rotten with having found a few very good Thai food places near home in Melbourne - the Thai food here was of good wholesome home-cooking style, but nothing that could reasonably be called restaurant quality food.
Tuesday - hot weather with no cloud cover, but the humidity felt less so more like the Melbourne hot summer day I am familiar with. The airconditioning in the hospital and accommodation is crucial though. Interestingly the hotter, drier weather brought out the ants. Some at work, tiny ... smaller than I have ever seen,and these "green ants" around the lower structure of the house I am staying in. I found this interesting website while editing this post.
The cane mill "railway line" near the house that runs across the main street is used frequently. The narrow gauge line is for the sugar cane being moved from one section in the cane mill to another ... the engines pull out a very long line of cane "trucks" out of the mill until the line is clear of the redirection point and then the engines push the cane back again. A photo of this.
I am still completing the medication reviews at the "acute stay" end of the hospital - reducing a number of excess medications and rationalising others. Particularly ceasing some of the ones like cholesterol lowering agents in some of the older patients with liver dysfunction. Neither needed for the "long term risk reduction" as what it would have been for them twenty years younger nor as safe with the unhappy livers.
Today had a Melbourne man who was at the end of a ten day fishing trip who came in with a "boat propeller injury" ... I dreaded what I might see on arrival, but fortunately the propeller was in fact stationary at the time of the injury. Still a significant laceration though - didn't know propeller blades were so sharp.
Another thing I am beginning to see as a common pattern is the sun damaged skin, in almost everyone local ... young adults who work in the plantations are very tanned, and the older adults all have multiple patches of sun damage, and the elderly who have live local for the whole of their lives have skin that has an appearance somewhat less than human-like.
Wednesday - a little overcast. Ward rounds are starting to come easier with getting to know the patients and their individual needs. Today also introduces the administrative paperwork of the ward - signing off on discharge diagnoses and treatments for the coding that will be used to determine some of the funding for the hospital. Of the 22 beds, 15.3 are funded as acute care beds ... interesting, as it really is defacto nursing home care for the majority of the occupancy. We have 20 patients in at the moment ( yes the other two currently empty beds are for my genuine short stay, acute care patients - and I have used these as such a number of times already ) and a category review of all of those 20 patients this morning with our ANUM ( yeah .. you can look that up too - hint : it's a role descriptor abbreviation ) revealed, as I expected, that only two of those are classified as acute care patients, and even then they are the longer end of the acute care, eg. one with COPD recovering from pneumonia - thats a two week acute care episode if all goes well.
Did my second clothes wash today ... have 5 days work clothes supply, and two days casual clothes, so need to keep ahead - twice a week seems to work nicely. There is a good set and forget washing machine, and a hanging line under the house for drying - even with the humidity anything out of the washing machine dries in a few hours.
Today I started planning what I might do on my weekend off ... found a good website with local road tour maps here ... will do the Reef to Rainforest - about 260kms round trip Gordonvale, Etherton, Mereeba Wetlands, Mt Molloy, Port Douglas and back along the coast to Cairns, probably Friday. Haven't decided about Saturday yet.
Oh by the way, in case if you haven't found it already, just at the bottom of each of my blog posts there is a "Comments" .. click on that link and you can make a comment or leave me a message ... I have this blog set up to email me when a comment is posted and a copy of your comment gets sent to my mobile phone, so even if I don't have easy net access I get your message fairly promptly. You can choose to post anonymously so you don't have to set up a gmail account, and there is a security number you need to copy from a distorted picture - this is implemented to discourage random automated spam for the usual unpleasantries.
Will probably post next on Friday after my first day off ... see you all then.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Today is Monday
I also saw man with a cut finger (about a one week old injury ) who developed cellulitus. The local pharmacy being closed Sunday and with him having not enough petrol to travel far, I decided to give an intravenous antibiotic that would last 24 hours. This was Sunday morning. By Sunday evening he was feeling unwell, had fevers and while with us had "rigors" ( yeah, go look it up - but not a good thing to have ) ... easy decision, not something that I was comfortable attempting to manage locally anymore. This is in itself was actually not the reason why I tell you about this man though. It was because I got stonewalled by the Cairns Base ED doctor-on-duty. Reminds me of the days I was an "admitting officer" at Dandenong - it saddens me that decisions are made still based on workload and rationing of resources. I won't say much more because this is a public place, but needless to say I shared the nursing staff frustration.
Last night we also had someone in with a tick for removal. Long time since I had to deal with this. Patient and doctor survived the process. The tick did not.
Otherwise the weekend was a relatively casual time .. enough spare even to watch most of the NRL final .. until I couldn't bare watching anymore. It wasn't that Melbourne was losing, I can appreciate a good match who ever is winning or losing, but to have a game so one-sided ... no not a good spectacle at all - well except for the enthused Manley supporters who would have just been seeing their warriors slaughter the opposition.
Oh .. more photos ...
This one is of the hill behind the hospital - that rainforest on the back doorstep.
This one is of the welcome sign painted on a Silo near the Babinda railway station on the main road in ( Bruce Highway, which you can see on the Google map )
... and the other two of the local sugar mill not far from where I am staying. The smell down wind was quite pleasant, warm syrupy - not overpowering at all.
Today I got a semblance of a roster ... well, actually just notification of cover for the weekend. A locum who is currently in Weipa will be flying into Cairns and travelling down to cover me, if all goes to plan I will be off from 08:00 am Friday to 12:00 midday Sunday. Now I can plan a bit of local sight seeing.
Catch you all again in a few days.
ps. The photos are all stored online in my photo album found ... here
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The first Friday Night
This is the house I am staying in while at Babinda. Upstairs living areas, down stairs "office space" and under the house a laundry - I am washing clothes right now, three days worth. I figure its prudent to wash every 2-3 days to keep ahead on clothes. Indoors at the hospital is relatively cool, and the house is air-conditioned, but outside the warmth and humidity is something that is not an experience had too often in Melbourne, but commonplace here. Its not yet summer or wet season.
Final picture is a view of my welcoming committee on the hospital entry steps if I need to go into the hospital after dark.
Friday, October 3, 2008
First Day
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I have safely arrived.
Early start tomorrow to catch the nurse's ward hand-over at morning shift change. I am thinking it will be a once only event.
Good(early)night - will speak to you again soon.
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