Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gladstone Midway

Weekend exploring ... not quite what was hoped but an interesting experience anyway.  Saturday I visited and walked around the local botanical garden, checked out Boyne Island and Tannam Sands and then headed inland a way, south and back out to the coast to see Agnes Waters and Seventeen Seventy - two small towns very close together near one of Captain Cook's east coast landings.   Overcast and intermittently raining.  After a wander around these two towns and a stroll along the beaches, I headed further south to Bundaberg with the intentions of taking one of the evening guided tours to the beach of Mon Repos where a conservation park protects the turtle laying and hatching.   I arrived at the information centre and looked at the display, but discovered one needs to book ahead - no tickets left for the evening tour.  Not necessarily a bad thing though - there was torrential rain on the drive back to Gladstone and no doubt would have made the tour most unpleasant, if not impossible.   It was certainly a challenge driving in the rain and the dark, with some places water on the road making the surface less than ideal, and the headlights of the oncoming semi-trailers/trucks intermittently a nuisance ... oncoming headlights being much brighter than the reflection of the markers on the road, the headlights temporarily made the road ahead very difficult to navigate until the truck passed.   Not at all a relaxing drive back.
Today, the weather has significantly improved - a little cloudy, but dry and sunny.  Interesting given the temperature was still around 30 degrees and the moisture from the previous day's heavy rains made it quite humid.  I walked along the beach area, then went back to the marina for a casual walk around the grassed areas (green and damp) and then bought some fresh seafood from the seafood market.  Looking forward to a nice piece of baramundi for dinner tonight.
The two photos I have attached are from the botanical gardens near Gladstone, and the beach (a very small one) in the more exclusive section coastal section of Gladstone.
I will be working straight through the next two weeks ... should be managable given when I am not working my time is my own and the working environment is good be in.  Gladstone is a livable city, but not a place I feel the need to spend a lot more time exploring.
Will probably post again before I leave.

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