Friday night passed without incident. The previous two Friday nights oncall were punctuated by alcohol fuelled presentations but not last night - it was a pleasant surprise to wake in the morning having had a full night sleep.
Mixed feelings are the state of the moment ... looking forward to coming home to my family, but feeling a little sad now that I am so close to leaving. Four more full days counting today and I will be flying back home. I found myself trawling the Babinda real estate display window this week and this morning looked at their property listings online. Nothing planned - just found it an interesting observation that I did this.
What have I been doing in my spare time ? ... well not a lot of time spare, but what I have had spare I have split between reading, some television ( SBS and ABC 1 mostly ) and a game I had installed on my laptop. I would have been doing a bit more locally on days oncall if the mobile telephone reception was more reliable, but its not so I am a little limited.
I brought with me to Babinda three items to read, Samuel Griffith's translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War ( thank you Rowan ), Terry Pratchett "The Colour of Magic"and a D&A report, "A Raw Deal ?". While I was in Cooktown I also bought a book "The Savage Frontier" by Rodney Liddell. I have not finished this book yet, but my first impressions is that it would make a powerful resource for clear thinking exercises for year 12 English. The author claims to be writing so "the truth can finally be told". I would contest that claim, but am prepared, at least at this stage to continue reading. You may be interested for yourself looking at the link and website of the author here.
I have taken out my suitcase and started to pack some items so its not a last minute pack. My flight from Cairns is about midday Wednesday so I will need to leave Babinda before 09.00am to be sure I am at the airport in plenty of time. Admin will be arranging my replacement to arrive Tuesday evening or at least by 08.00am Wednesday for hand-over.
Thank you all for sharing my journey with me. I will post a "summary" probably Wednesday as I leave, although I have not yet decided whether or not to also post my "recommendations" here in this public place or just email them to admin locally.
Catch you again soon.
John enjoy ur last night and welcome back tomorrow..
hi that message came from fiona I was in teh wrong email account
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