Sunday, December 28, 2008


Yes, I have been remiss in posting my final entry for my Babinda locum. I am on my Christmas break and decided to make just a brief entry. Yes I did finally get full payment for my work at Babinda, but not without various reminders. Yes, I did email local and Cairns Base Hospital admin regarding my concerns about multiple issues, but I have elected not to repeat here - although you may well guess the majority of what I said.

Would I work with Queensland Health again ? yes, now knowing what I know I would enter the foray forewarned and forearmed.

Would I work at Babinda again ? probably yes, but with my desire to vary my experiences in advance of more full time commitment to rural locums in a few years I would not seek out Babinda as my next locum

Two lessons learned ?

1) Plan on having enough financial "cushion" in place to not be majorly disadvantaged by late or erratic income.

2) There is a level of (desperate) humanity amongst those who are struggling with the mindless steamroller of a public health system ... if you can find the right person to communicate with (and to be honest I was never convinced that I did for this experience at Babinda) then it goes a long way to make working within the system survivable.

Pointers to others taking on the Babinda Locum ?

1) Mobile phone reception is appalling, and Internet access minimal. The weather and the drinking water quality are something that takes getting used to. The facilities otherwise provided are of an excellent quality, the personnel working in the hospital are in the most part, dedicated and caring people, and the local community friendly and a delight to work for.

2) Flexibility is the key .. anything you think you might have put in place as contingency or what you thought you had arranged before getting there will not necessarily reflect the reality that hits on arrival.

Final comment - Babinda is not remote rural, but the community suffers many of the disadvantages of lack of community resources and the fact that it is considered lower priority by politicians, bureaucrats and health care economists. Consequently the local resources that are available are NOT primarily for the local community. Beware, because when Cairns Base Hospital no longer needs Babinda Hospital as a long-stay overflow facility, Babinda Hospital will no longer have a reason to exist unless the locals stand up and fight for it.

Good luck and seasons blessings to you all. Peace and good health for the new year.